Turmoil in the Financial Markets
CCH Financial Crisis News Center
MIGA, World Investment and Political Risk 2009
St Louis Federal Reserve, Reforming the Nation’s Financial System
UNCTAD, Trade and Development Report 2009
ICMA, Responses to market turbulence: country plans
Gert Wehinger, The Turmoil and the Financial Industry: Developments and Policy Responses, OECD 96 Financial Market Trends 1 (2009)
BIS 78th Annual Report (Jun. 30, 2008) (links to chapters)
Financial Stability Forum, Report of the Financial Stability Forum on Enhancing Market and Institutional Resilience (Apr. 2008) Report of the Financial Stability Forum on Enhancing Market and Institutional Resilience Follow-up on Implementation (Oct. 2008) (and list of documents)
IMF, Global Financial Stability Report: Containing Systemic Risks and Restoring Financial Soundness (April 2008) (for links to individual sections see here)
IMF, The Recent Financial Turmoil—Initial Assessment, Policy Lessons, and Implications for Fund Surveillance (Apr. 9, 2008)
Treasury Committee, Sixth Report: Financial Stability and Transparency (Mar. 3, 2008)
Malcolm D Knight, General Manager, Bank for International Settlements, The Current Credit Market Turmoil: Financial and Macroeconomic Implications, presentation at the Group of Thirty International Banking Session on The Evolving Structure of the World Economic System, Washington DC, 22 October 2007.
Overview: Credit Retrenchment Triggers Liquidity Squeeze, BIS Quarterly Bulletin, September 2007, at pp. 1-16
Overview: Markets Hit by Renewed Credit Woes, BIS Quarterly Bulletin, December 2007, at pp 1-17
Uncorrected Transcript of Evidence to UK Treasury Select Committee (Nov. 13, 2007)
Markets and Operations, Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin, September 2007, at pp. 346-361.
Bank of England page on financial market turmoil.
French Banking Commission, German Federal Financial Supervisory Authority, the Swiss Federal Banking Commission, U.K. Financial Services Authority, Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, Securities and Exchange Commission, and Federal Reserve, Observations on Risk Management Practices during the Recent Market Turbulence (Mar. 6, 2008)