vicar told children the truth (about santa claus) – parents were horrified December 12, 2013
Posted by Bradley in : lies , add a commentThe Guardian reports that a Wiltshire Vicar told a group of children about St. Nicolas. After parents objected he apologized to parents for having told their children the truth (he apparently said he had no intention of undermining the kids’ belief in Santa Claus). The article has this quote from one of the parents:
We wouldn’t just walk into the church during one of his services and tell everyone there that Jesus isn’t real. He’s a person of authority and it’s not his place to be telling the children that.
“It’s the older children who have suffered the most because their parents can’t really talk their way out of it like the parents of younger children can.
“Loads of kids went home crying – it has ruined Christmas for them. It wasn’t a nice story for children to hear, there were lots more he could have told. Not only has he spoiled Father Christmas for them, a lot of them are now questioning the existence of the tooth fairy as well.
Parents can’t talk their way out of it with older kids the way they can with younger ones. But why this need to have children believe in things that do not exist? Especially as a significant chunk of the Santa Claus story is too close to the idea of the bogeyman for my liking.
The headline for the Telegraph’s story reads: Santa Claus is not real, vicar claims to audience of primary school children. Claims?
jotwell: coslovsky & locke on global supply chains December 6, 2013
Posted by Bradley in : jotwell , add a commentMy latest Jotwell contribution, discussing Salo V. Coslovsky & Richard M. Locke, Parallel Paths to Enforcement: Private Compliance, Public Regulation, and Labor Standards in the Brazilian Sugar Sector, 41 Pol & Soc 496 (2013) is here.
miami gable stage antony and cleopatra kickstarter campaign December 1, 2013
Posted by Bradley in : markets , add a commentHere:
I think they do theatre better than they do video. But the theatre is good, and this production is designed to bring Shakespeare to a wide audience.