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Private Sector Initiatives/Reactions

Reform in the Financial Services Industry: Strengthening Practices for a More Stable System The Report of the IIF Steering Committee on Implementation (SCI) (Dec. 2009)

The Aspen Institute, Overcoming Short-termism: A Call for a More Responsible Approach to Investment and Business Management (Sept. 9, 2009)

Investors Working Group, U.S. Financial Regulatory Reform: The Investors’ Perspective (Jul. 15, 2009)

Group of Thirty, Financial Reform: A Framework for Financial Stability (Jan. 2009)

European Fund and Asset Management Association, European Securitisation Forum & Investment Management Association, Asset Management Industry Guidelines to Address Over-Reliance upon Ratings (Dec. 11, 2008)

Counterparty Risk Management Policy Group, Containing Systemic Risk: The Road to Reform. The Report of the CRMPG III (Aug. 2008)

Institute of International Finance, Final Report of the IIF Committee on Market Best Practices: Principles of Conduct and Best Practice Recommendations. Financial Services Industry Response to the Market Turmoil of 2007-2008 (Jul. 2008)

ESF, ICMA, ISDA, LIBA, SIFMA, Retail Structured Products: Principles for managing the provider-distributor relationship (Jul. 2008)
Industry Initiatives to Increase Transparency: Issuer and Investor Transparency Initiatives (June 2008)

ESF, ICMA, Code of Conduct On Disclosure in the ABCP Market (Jun. 2008)

BBA, Understanding the construction and operation of BBA LIBOR – strengthening for the future (Jun. 10, 2008) (and see BBA LIBOR Review Consultation Feedback Statement (Aug. 5, 2008))

IIF Committee on Market Best Practices Interim Report (Apr. 2008)

European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum, EPFSF Briefing: Financial Crisis: Next Steps in the EU (Jan. 21, 2009)

American Securitization Forum, SIFMA. Australian Securitisation Forum, European Securitisation Forum Restoring Confidence in the Securitization Markets (Dec. 3, 2008)

British Bankers Association, Financial stability and depositor protection: strengthening the framework – BBA response to the tripartite consultation document (Apr. 8, 2008)