brexit futures: uk as friend to human rights abusers January 28, 2017
Posted by Bradley in : fundamental rights , 1 comment so farTheresa May’s friendly visits with Donald Trump as he orders extreme vetting for people entering the US from majority Muslim countries (but not Saudi Arabia), and Recep ErdoÄŸan (apparently she did mention human rights) raise some real questions about what Britain’s future will look like outside the EU. This is what Global Britain is going to look like?
girls doubt that women can be brilliant January 26, 2017
Posted by Bradley in : gender , 1 comment so farIt happens at age 6, according to a recent study. Thinking about the brilliant women I have known in my life, and know, I am devastated (but not really surprised). When I was in my 20s the future world I imagined for women was so much better than the one I now live in.
aals: the corporate stake in climate change response January 4, 2017
Posted by Bradley in : financial regulation , add a commentI’ll be at the AALS in San Francisco this week, participating in a panel on climate change. I.m going to be talking about climate change as a financial stability issue based on this draft paper.
happy 2017, and how (not) to have a successful brexit January 3, 2017
Posted by Bradley in : brexit , add a commentGet your (very experienced) ambassador to the EU, Ivan Rogers, to resign.